Artist Spotlight || Allison Cosmos

Chinoiserie art Allison Cosmos House Beautiful .jpg

Happy 2018!!!  I have plenty of reasons (one of them being that I was miserably sick!) as to why I'm so late in the game of wishing you a fabulous year, but I don't want to bore you with my excuses. But I do want to wish you all a wonderful 2018 filled with many special moments with  your loved ones, lots of shared experiences and laughs, lots of health and plenty of energy and grit to keep after your dreams. This is your year!!!  And because you all deserve the best from me I wanted my first blog post this year to be really fabulous and intesresting so I want to introduce you to a gem of an artist Allison Cosmos.

I can't remember how I discovered Allison and her amazing work but I fell in love with everything she does immediately.  She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida and her work has been featured in Elle Decor, House BeautifulVeranda, Metropolitan Home, HGTV and Houzz. Let me show you some of her work-

Allison Cosmos - 2017-09-0710689.jpg
Alison Cosmos Triptych Assembled-2017-09-0710692-Flat.jpg
Pheasants and Forest Allison cosmos.jpg
Allison cosmos.jpg
Allison Cosmos - 2017-09-2610916.jpg

I really love Chinoiserie panels and wallpaper  and would love to own a triptych of hers someday because I love the level of detail and the exotic landscapes she composes.  Her choice and mix of plants and flowers with the various wild life is exceptional. I was curious about how Allison got interested in Chinoiserie and here is her answer-

"My grandparents did a lot of travel to Asia in the 1940’s and 1950’s so their home was a mix of European and Asian things and I thought it was SO cool. The first Chinoiserie commission I ever did was almost 18 years ago in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. They wanted little Chinoiserie scenes on each of their cabinet doors. Since I LOVE detail and LOVE painted furniture I was immediately in love with the project. I come from a mural background so I’ve been fascinated with landscape scenes and large scale works since I graduated with a BFA in painting 22 years ago. Murals sort of bridge into wallpaper which is a natural transition for me. My current works of art are being done with the intention of creating a modern Chinoiserie series offered in repeat wallpaper panels. "

I also asked her about what she enjoys the most in doing this kind of work-

"I love to paint odd and colorful birds the most.  Composing and balancing different sizes, shapes and colors of flowers and plants  in my work is challenging but a fun additive evolving process. My most favorite piece thus far is probably the Palm Beach Paradise (below.  This one is my favorite!) piece but I’m REALLY excited about a new one I’ve started with a Greek “theme”. I enjoy studying the plants and animals of a region and especially like to include endangered or extinct species. "


Aren't the colors of this one INSANE!! She has original triptychs available for sale and she also does commissions. If an original is a little outside your budget Allison also offers high quality prints on both canvas and paper of her work (even of the triptychs! She currently has three available here, here and here).  And she also does smaller individual pieces if a triptych is too much of a commitment for you.

Don't you love her work?  You can learn more about Allison here and you can follow her painting journey thru Instagram here.  Obsessed right? And here are plenty of images of how different people used panels in their homes.