Lips and Flexed Biceps || Livestock Framing

I really enjoy when new companies make your life easier.  I remember a few years ago I undertook a fun but time-consuming project. I wanted to line one of our hallways in the bedroom area with framed family photographs.  This entailed printing the photos at a local store, picking them up when they were ready and then going to the framer's to have each one framed.  A few short years later and this process seems long, absurd and obsolete.  These two photographs were printed and framed by Livestock Framing.  This was my first time trying them and I loved the experience.  You upload any photo, choose the size and frame and you are done!  The quality of the printing and framing is really great. Here are the two photos I printed. You will enjoy hearing about each photo as well-

Let me tell you about the lips and glitter print.  This is one of my very own photographs from a project I have been working on for a few months now.  It's just a sneak peek.  There will be more to come I promise (in much larger scale btw). I'm really excited about this project and can't wait to share it with you.  It encompasses, models, emojis, flowers, gems, and lots of glitter. 


The second photo is of Little Miss A and I next to the Victory statue on the side of The Prado Museum taken by the lovely and very talented Katie Donnelly.  I love the photo because it's kind of the old school version of the 'flexed bicep, I'm woman hear me roar' emoji. 💪💪💪💪.  You probably remember me mentioning Katie.  She has photographed us in Paris, London and Madrid! Since I'm always behind the lens it is nice to have special moments captured by her in such special places.  I would say this is a real treat!  If you are in Europe this summer email her!

These two framed pieces make me so happy.  And the best part is that they appeared framed at my doorstep.  The process really felt kind of like magic and the fact that I was unencumbered by extra errands makes me love these two photos even more!  Check out Livestock Framing here.  Have you used a similar service?  Do tell!

(All photos by AC)