Captured 52

Large scale photography has always interested me.  The right photograph in large format can be a powerful thing. Through Instagram's rabbit hole I just found this large scale photography shop that really intrigued me called Captured 52.  Every week they publish an open edition, framed, original photograph in large format (anywhere between 40” x 40” and 60” x 80") from one visionary photographer.  They are currently in the Spring season and now I will stalking them to find out what is the new photo every week. Here are some that are currently on the website-

From each of these invited photographers from around the world they choose one exclusive and breakthrough image that really calls for large scale to be enjoyed properly.  

Do you like large scale photography?  We currently have a large photograph over our bed and it always makes me so happy when I enter my bedroom.  I am really excited to have learned about Captured 52 see the rest of their photographs here.

[images via Captured 52]